Full coverage without having to compromise gaming lounge layouts or visual appeal
CCTV Blinds spots can be an issue in gaming lounges, in most cases gaming / duty managers try to find the best compromise between aesthetics
CCTV Blinds spots can be an issue in gaming lounges, in most cases gaming / duty managers try to find the best compromise between aesthetics
Need to quickly identify infected workers who may be putting other co-workers at risk? Contact Tracing feature now available. Minimising the shutdown of essential workplaces whilst
Security systems have come a long way. Now they teach themselves to recognise unusual events through pattern-based analytics and self-learning video tools. The ongoing learning
Facial Recognition technology is still a relatively new concept for many clubs and pubs across Australia. There are legal questions around what the legislation allows
It should come as no surprise that the COVID-19 pandemic will change the way in which most businesses operate moving forward. Element Security has partnered
It goes without saying that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way all Australian Businesses operate. We at Element Security have been working with Australian
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